Cosmetic Veneers have been in play for a long time especially porcelain veneers. The impact of dental veneers on the countenance is immeasurable. Dental Veneers Cosmetic Veneers or Dental veneers are very thin slivers that are positioned over the teeth using bonding by the dentist. Usually veneers are made of porcelain that is very thinly sliced and is shaped to the specification of the client. Veneers are bonded on to the teeth and are semi permanent installations, however they do require a level of upkeep and consultation. Porcelain White veneers are made from porcelain and they are extremely thinly sliced. The exact measurement are given by the dentist and the veneers are manufactured according to those specifications. The whole process may take over a week to be finished. The only downside to veneer is that the teeth enamel are scraped by the oral surgeon so going in for a veneer is actually irreversible. Meaning that you cannot go back to your original teeth after some time. The Procedure Cosmetic Veneers procedure is very simple and is completed in one sitting after the veneers arrive. The dentist uses bonding techniques to adhere the veneer permanently on the teeth, and the proficiency of the establishment reflects what a perfect fit the veneers. After the procedure the client can immediately take stock of the magnitude of difference in the smile as the teeth will look polished and white and the smile will look positively radiant. Veneers are the last step in a process of teeth management. They are done after all the other surgical procedures such as teeth realignment, root canal etc are carried out.