16/24, TTK Road, 1st Cross Street, Alwarpet, Chennai - 600018
Mon - Sat : 10.00 - 07.00 Sunday Closed


International Plastic Surgery Day 2018

The goal we want to achieve is let the world know that Cosmetic Surgery is perfectly safe, attainable, and goes a long way to boost positive self image. At the same time we also want to showcase how safe and effective critical life saving plastic surgery is. DO check Dr.Sasikumar Muthu’s latest press meet to […]

Arm Lift

Arm Lifts. Know all about them.

Brachioplasty. Yes. That’s the medical term for Arm Lifts. It is derived from the terms “Brachio”which means arm and “plasty” which means to reshape. But the term Arm lift is what bears significance to the common man. So much significance that just since 2014, the volume of Arm lifts has gone up thousands of percentile […]

Body Contouring

Does the Mommy Makeover really work?

Undoubtedly one of the best human experiences is in being a mom. I am sure there is not a single person who will doubt that. But the society, friends and family do not prepare you for what comes next. The toll that childbirth takes on the female body is tremendous and the body reacts in […]

Male Breast surgery

The bane of the Male Breast

When a man transitions from childhood to “boyhood”, there are changes in his body. Among those changes are development of the chest. It is normal that men tend to get some deposit of fat in their chest, the development of breast to a degree is common among boys and men. However, it is the excessive […]

Chemical Peels

What Facelift is the Best for You?

Sag is the most repulsive word in an ageing person’s dictionary. As we age we gradually lose the fight against gravity. As the biological clock keeps ticking, the largest organ in the human body – the skin – starts to lose its elasticity. Ageing skin doesn’t bounce back like young skin. Instead, as we age, […]

hairfall treatments

What causes Hair Loss?

Androgenic Alopecia is the fancy medical name for pattern baldness which a lot of men and some women suffer from as well. Right about the age of forty, when you least expect it and you think everything is going as per schedule you notice that there is receding. Pattern baldness is different for men and […]

Face Lift

Interesting Cosmetic Surgery Trends across the world

India was the pioneer for reconstructive surgery. The brilliance of Sushruta, way back in 800 BC, heralded in amazing feats of reconstructive surgery, that were meticulously chronicled, preserved and developed upon. Over time all over the world, innovations marked the growth of cosmetic surgery, and as standards for beauty changed all over the world, so […]

Liposuction Surgery

Body Sculpting and Body Image – Together Forever?

Better Body Image has been followed by societies for hundreds of years. Thousands even. It is common knowledge that the Egyptians were downright obsessed with personal body image and moved mountains to help maintain what was the standard of beauty at that time. They used to specialize in formulations and concoctions that helped smooth wrinkles, […]

skin care

No more Wrinkles please.

A terrifying part of growing older are wrinkles. Without doubt the first incidence of wrinkles is quite a reminder of the sad truth of ageing. Smooth skin is the representative of youth. Wrinkled skin, while it can be considered to be a mark of experience and wisdom, definitely has nothing youthful about it. What are […]